garage sale paris texas
Phil's Vintage 8mm, Super-8 and 16mm Films and Projectors

 paris texas garage sale
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Order & Contact Information

Updated March 9, 2025

I have no special forms to fill out here. Simply send me an email ( ), or call me at 903-669-3303 (No Texts) to make sure I have the items you want and to reserve them.

Please put something specific in the SUBJECT line of your email so it doesn't get moved as junk mail. I will then get back to you about availability and shipping costs. Minimum shipping and handling per order starts at $14.
You can send a post office money order by mail, call with your credit card, or I can send you a Paypal invoice by email so you can pay with a credit card or your bank.
I have the best service and results shipping with the U.S. Post Office, so I will ship by USPS Priority, Parcel Post or Media Mail with tracking. It will arrive faster and usually costs less than other shippers.
All items listed at this site are in my personal collection and are available for immediate shipment, so feel free to ask particular questions about anything.

The following discounts will be given on all items, except movie projectors, only if the order is paid in full in one total payment at time of purchase. These discounts do not apply where an item is marked (No discount), or on hold's, on single item orders, or on orders under $600.

Orders for 2 or more items that total from $600 to $999, take 5% off the total order.
Orders for 2 or more items that total from $1,000 to $1,499, take 10% off the total order.
Orders for 2 or more items that total from $1,500 to $2,499, take 15% off the total order.
Orders of $2,500 or more, take 20% off the total order.

Domestic shipping charges over 1 pound and all international shipping will be calculated at the time of your order.

(Updated 3-9-2025)

Texas residents will be charged 8.25% sales tax.

For smaller items, starting shipping and handling charge, using USPS Priority shipping, tracking and minimum insurance , is $14 ( more likely less for Media Mail depending on insurance coverage ). Minimum shipping is based on the price to send a small flate rate package. Price will go up from there depending on weight and shipping location. I will ship movie films (8mm, Super-8 and 16mm) by Media Mail with full insurance, unless the film can be shipped Small Flat Rate Priority for the minimum charge. If you want heavier film orders shipped Priority and don't mind the cost, let me know and I will give you the cost for Priority Mail. Otherwise heavier film orders will be shipped Media Mail for a rate based on the weight and insurance needed.

I don't have a minimum order requirement, but shipping and handling will still start at $14, no matter how small the order and will be shipped Priority or Media Mail for films. This is to discourage smaller, $5 to $10 orders, and also because there is no way to track or insure by sending small items by regular first class in envelopes.

I have to use a sub-station to ship by UPS or Federal Express and the cost has gotten very high, so I will ship by these carriers only if you request me to and don't mind the excessive cost. I will not take your shipping account number for UPS or Federal Express. Shipping will have to be paid with your order.


All international orders must be paid through a Paypal invoice.
I can ship by Global Express mail which has a tracking number. Any shipments made by Priority or First Class mail for a cheaper rate, the buyer will have to be responsible for loss in the mail since there is no tracking number.


Call me and I can take direct Credit Card cards1.jpg (3721 bytes) orders over the phone ( 903-669-3303 ). Paypal processes my credit card orders.

I can also take Credit Card cards1.jpg (3721 bytes) or or other type payments through a Paypal invoice I will send you. You don't have to join Paypal to pay with an invoice I send you, but if you are already a member of Paypal, they will ask you to log-in to pay.

PAYPAL - There are NO additional fees when you use PAYPAL. If you want to use Paypal please email or call me about what you want to order and I will start the payment transaction for you and send you a Paypal invoice by email. Please wait until you receive an invoice from me and make your payment from that invoice. If you send a Paypal payment on your own and there is no mention of what the payment is for in your transaction, your order could be accidently overlooked. Also I may not receive it if you have anything wrong in my email address. I will normally ship only to an address confirmed by Paypal. If you want an order shipped to an address different from your confirmed address, you must put that shipping address in the Paypal transaction when you make the payment, not just tell me in an email.
Pay from your Paypal account, your bank or your credit card and I can ship immediately. If you make an eCheck payment through Paypal, I cannot ship your order until Paypal clears it (4 to 6 business days).

Here is my email address for Paypal:

POST OFFICE MONEY ORDER - If you mail in your payment, I now accept only U.S. Post Office Money Orders. NO Personal Checks or other types of bank money orders or checks. Postal money orders are the safest to use and the easiest to replace if they are lost or stolen. Please list every item, with a description if necessary ( such as format type, sound or silent, bulb code, etc. ), it's price, and your telephone number when you send your order. If you don't indicate in your letter what you are ordering, and I can't locate a past email, I'll have no way of knowing what you are ordering.
I no longer have my PO Box 974 mailing address, so if you want to send a Postal Money Order let me know by phone or email and I will send or give you my Mailing Address.



If you want to return something for any reason within 3 days from when you received it, I will give a full refund (less the Paypal fees) for the cost of the items only if still in the same condition as they were when shipped. Shipping costs will not be refunded.
This does not apply to movie projectors, which has a different return policy ( See movie projector listings pages).

All movie films at this site are sold or traded from one collector to another for private entertainment use at home only. No other rights are given or implied. Thank you.

Phil Johnson
Paris, Texas  75460

Phone: 903-669-3303

Send me an Email:

PLEASE NOTE ! : Be sure to check your SPAM or JUNK folders in your email program if you don't seem to receive my email reply. For some reason my emails, especially if you have a "gmail" address, may sometimes be put in one of those folders by mistake. In your email program, you have to give permission to let my emails go to your IN box.

Also sometimes I send a reply to an email and it comes back as "failure" or a failed delivery. So if you don't receive a reply from me within a day, you may have a problem recieving incoming emails, then call me on the phone at 903-669-3303. Thank you.

When you email or call in an order, be sure to let me know if you are in Texas. Texas residents will pay 8.25% sales tax.
Above is my email address. If my email link above doesn't work, just copy and paste my email address in the "TO" line on your email window. Please put something specific in the SUBJECT line of your email so it doesn't accidently get deleted as junk mail.

Call me at:  903-669-3303

This is a Land Line so I do not receive Texts, only Talking!

Try calling only from 9AM to 7PM (central time) Monday through Friday and 12 Noon to 6 PM Saturday. This is a home based business, so we might not always be here. If you are calling to place an order or to ask about something before placing an order,  leave a message and I will call you back (if you are in the USA). If you just want information or to ask a question, please try calling back later. I will return your call only if you are ready to place an order or need to ask about something before deciding to order.

Please Read Below Before Calling or Sending an Email!

I don't do appraisals as I can't tell the value of anything without personally seeing and examining it.
A film or projector can't be valued only by the title or brand and model. It can be worth from 0 to $2,000, and anything in-between, depending on many variables. The best way to find an average worth of an item you have to be sold as-is, is to search completed Ebay auctions to see what the same or similar items sold for.

Thanks very much.

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Order & Contact Information

Click HERE to return to my HOME page.

Any item or film that is in RED TEXT means that it is on hold, but I haven't yet received the order. This means when I receive the order I will remove the item, or if I do not get the order I will leave it listed and change the red text to black.

Go to ORDERING INFORMATION if you are ready to place an order or want to call me or send an Email.

This Site Is Designed And Copyright 1999 - 2025 By Phil Johnson
Do not use images or contents on any other web site or in print.