Phil's Vintage 8mm, Super-8 and 16mm
Films and Projectors
DHJ DCA DEF + More Bulbs
8MM - SUPER-8 - 16MM - 35MM
This page was updated February 26, 2025
I have a limited
supply of Brand New old store stock bulbs. Some of the newer brands made out of the US are
very poor quality. I have the better quality older brand names like GE,
Radiant, Westinghouse, Wiko and
Sylvania. Many are discontinued and very hard to come by. Most are in perfect display
boxes. Some of the boxes may be ragged or missing, but the lamps are guaranteed new.
Scroll down this page to see the list.
Email or call me first to be sure I still have the bulbs you need.
The number in brackets ( ) indicates how many of that bulb I have. The price shown is for one bulb.
If you have an inventory of older bulbs you no longer need, let me know and I will make you an offer for them (if you have some codes I can use).
The three letter
code is the type of bulb. The quantity I have of a bulb is noted in brackets.
There are no cheap recent brands here. Mostly New Old Store
stock brands like GE, Sylvania, Radiant and Westinghouse.
Bulb codes are
listed alphabetically.
BAK (2) - $4 BCK (2) - Will substitute for a CZA and CZB - $28 BDK (1) - $10 BEC (1) - $8 BEJ (1) - $24 BEY (1) - $35 BFL (2) - $22 BFK (10) - $24 BFT (1) - $12 BGB / BGK (20) - $5 BFX (1) - $6 BHB (22) - $12 BKF (6) - $5 BLC (2) - $5 BLX (4) - $6 BRG (2) - $5 BRH (26) - $18 BRK (5) - $25 BRL (1) - $6 BRS (7) - $6 BSK (26) - $6 BSW (18) - $8 BTL (5) - $20 BTR (2) - 200 hour replacement for DFT - $26 BTT (2) - $6 BVE (23) - $24 BVK / BVS (2) - $12 CAC (1) - $5 CAR (6) - $10 CAJ / CAC (2) - $5 CAL / CXP (29) - $15 CBA (4) - $30 CBX / CBS (2) - $8 CBJ / CBC (2) - $6 CCM (3) - $7 CDD (2) - $10 CDJ (4) - $12 CDK / CEA (9) - $8 CDS / CDX (15) - $14 CEB (1) - $7 CEW/CFC (1) - $11 CFK (1) - $13 CFY (5) - $12 CGP (3) - $17 CHG / CET (1) - $26 CLD (1) - $49 CLX / CMB (9) - $18 CMS (3) - $15 CNC (1) - $12 CRT (1) - $10 CTT (1) - $12 CWA (30) - $15 CWG / CGT (3) - $12 CWY (1) - $24 CXK (3) - $20 CYC (5) - $15 CZA - See BCK CZX / DAB (2) - Eiko brand, for early model Bell & Howell 253-A and other models - $39 DAH (3) - $12 DAK / DAY (5) - $39 DCA - Can substitute for DKR, DLS or DCF. Superior quality GE brand - $39, buy 12 or more - $29 each DCB (1) - $15 DCF (16) - Can also substitute DKR, DCA or DEF.Superior quality GE brand - $49 DCW (1) - $35 DDB (4) - $18 DDK (5) - $10 DDM (2) - $10 DEC (19) - $12 DEF (41) - Can also substitute for DKR, DLS or DCF. Superior quality GE brand - $39, buy 12 or more - $29 each DED (6) - $8 DEJ (16) - $16 DEK / DFW (8) - $15 DEP / DGR - (15) - $18 DER (3) - $20 DEX (2) - $39 DFA (87) - Can substitute for DJL, DFG, DFC, DCH, DJA and DFP. Superior quality GE brand - $39 each, or buy 12 or more - $29 each DFD (8) - $24 DFJ (1) - $13 DFK (4) - $24 DFP - See DFA DFR (1) - $29 DFT (23) - $25 DFY (10) - $39 DGF (1) - $12 DGL (1) - $15 DGR - See DEP DGS (7) - $18 DHJ (13) - GE brand 500 watt or 250 watt. For Kodak 8mm Showtime and Sound-8 - $49 DHT (1) - $18 DHX (2) - Sub. for DLS, DKR & DLG - $49 DJA - See DCH DJL - See DFA DKR (6) - Can substitute for DLS - $49 DLS (35) - Superior quality GE brand - $39 each, or buy 12 or more - $29 each DLN (24) - $12 DLR (5) - Substitute for DKM and DJP - $29 DML (1) - $20 DMK or 3M78-8454-3477 (3) - $36 |
DMS (2) - $18 DMX (17) - $20 DNF (21) - $20 DPW (2) - $3 DRB (3) - $20 DRC (3) - $20 DRL (4) - $29 DRS (7) - $18 DSW (7) - $49 DTJ (2) - $39 DWY (1) - $15 DXW (5) - $20 DXX (20) - $15 DYP (4) - $15 DYP-5 (2) - Long Life - $20 DYR (1) - $16 DYS / DYV / BCH (23) - $8 DYT (1) - $16 DZB (1) - $16 DZE (1) - $12 EFN (2) - Eumig 12v 75w - $15 EFR (2) - Superior brightness GE brand - $49 EGH - See DAK / DAY EGK (7) - $30 EHA (2) - $24 EHD (6) - $28 EHG (4) - $24 EHP (2) - $15 EHR (1) - $22 EJA (1) - $15 EJL (29) - Can substitute for ELC - $12 EJV (6) - GE brand - $10 EJY (1) - $15 EKG (5) - $15 EKZ (2) - $17 ELA (12) - $14 ELC (GE, multi-mirror reflector))(6) - $24 ELD / EJN (2) - $8 ELE (2) - $18 ELH (8) - $7 ELJ (4) - $20 ELS / ELR (7) - $11 ELZ (4) - $15 EMM / EKS (25) - $20 ENG (1) - $15 ENH (11) - $12 ENX (29) - $10 EPF (6) - $15 EPR (7) - $20 ERB (1) - $11 ERD (10) - $8 ERR (1) - $10 ERV (4) - $16 ETC (1) - $8 EVD (10) - $8 EVR (2) - $18 EYB (7) - $14 EYC (3) - $5 EXR (5) - $8 EZE (1) - $18 FAD (1) - $12.50 FAL (32) - $8 FBX (10) - $15 FBY (6) - $22 FCB (21) - $14 FCM (10) - $12 FCR - Osram Brand (10) - $10 FCR - GE Brand (32) - $16 FCS (7) - $6 FDN (2) - $15 FDS (3) - $8 FDT (1) - $7 FDX (1) - $10 FFJ (3) - $10 FFM (1) - $19 FHM (12) - $15 FHS (17) - $8 FHS-5 (5) - Long Life - $18 FHX (1) - $11 FNT (12) - $14 FXL (1) - $8
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Any item or film that is in RED TEXT means that it is on hold, but I haven't yet received the order. This means when I receive the order I will remove the item, or if I do not get the order I will leave it listed and change the red text to black.
Go to ORDERING INFORMATION if you are ready to place an order or want to call me or send an Email.
This Site Is Designed And Copyright 1999 - 2025 By Phil Johnson
not use images or contents on any other web site or in print.